• End user interacting with GenAI tools

    The Ideal GenAI Design Process

    This is the second in a multi-part series about Generative AI, focused on how to set up your Generative AI project for success. Whether you’re new to GenAI, or have your own tactics to share, there’s more we can all learn about implementing this new technology. Hopefully you’ve already read our Checklist for GenAI Readiness…

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  • Multiple agencies

    Successful Multi-Agency Collaboration

    Hiring two agencies on the same project? Here’s what it takes to make it work. It’s not hard to imagine why organizations can be wary of hiring two (or more) outside parties to work together on one project. Will the managerial strain be out of hand? Will they communicate as well as they need to…

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  • GenAI Checklist

    A Checklist for GenAI Readiness

    This is the first in a multi-part series about Generative AI, focused on how to set up your Generative AI project for success. Whether you’re new to GenAI, or have your own tactics to share, there’s more we can all learn about implementing this new technology. With the many offerings available now in the GenAI…

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  • An illustration of a man at a computer with another man over his shoulder pointing at the computer. Several icons in Buzzfeed-style at the top.

    4 Things You Won’t BELIEVE Design Can Learn From Buzzfeed

    July: a time for pools, slushies, bike-riding and hanging out with friends. What better way to celebrate mid-summer than to look for inspiration in one of the quintessential lighthearted media outlets? Without further ado, here’s what design – at all levels – can learn from the Buzzfeed approach. Put another way, if not us then…

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  • An illustration of 3 people at a table, 2 in a conversation and the 3rd taking notes

    Scaling Research by Activating the Frontline

    As we continue to seek out ways of reaching people, there’s an often untapped source of research insights who are working with our target users day in and day out: frontline employees. This is a key strategy, particularly when…

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  • An illustration of a man at a desk working on a computer with an image of a brain being working on inside another monitor

    Unsolicited Advice for Leveraging a GenAI LLM

    At this point, you’re probably pretty familiar with the AI hype out there. You’ve likely read that GenAI (like DALL-E or ChatGPT) is great for generating both visual and text-based content, and AI overall can be good for identifying patterns, particularly in large data sets, and providing recommendations (to a certain degree). But you may…

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  • Stretching Lean Budgets Strategically

    In the face of uncertainty, many organizations scale back as quickly as possible to alleviate the pressure on their overhead. While understandable, rushed decisions can sometimes be short-sighted decisions, making it harder for those businesses to rebuild once lean times have passed. 

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  • Illustration of a robot and human in skirt looking at a whiteboard with post-its

    Leveraging AI in User Research

    Given our experience with what AI is good at doing (and what it’s not), we knew we could use ChatGPT to help us distill and synthesize a large amount of qualitative data in a recent large-scale discovery and ideation project for a global client. 

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  • Illustration of two people in front of a TV with an empty basketball court, man is wearing a giant foam finger

    A New Way of Understanding Sports Fans

    If you want fans to engage deeply, you have to deeply understand what it is that they want. In other words, the better you can understand the crux of a fan’s engagement — how it is shaped, how it’s maintained, and how it grows (or stagnates…) — the better you can cultivate their inspiration to upgrade.

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  • The 2024 Design Forecast

    AI, design cuts, and an economic downturn were the “highlights” of 2023. As far as expectations for 2024…

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  • Illustration of a person on a phone interacting with the screen with multiple screens behind them

    Great First Impressions: Leveraging UI for Critical Product Moments

    Your user interface is your digital first impression. And as we all know, a good first impression can change everything. 

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  • Two people on devices around a toolbox over which a robot is talking

    Human-Centered AI: The Successful Business Approach to AI

    We know the positive impact the right kind of AI strategy can have on a business. But we’ve also seen the ways in which pressure to adopt AI can lead to rushed decision-making that leaves organizations worse off. Before jumping into any strategic AI implementation decisions…

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  • Illustration of clinician on a phone and people surrounding them

    Designing Products for Healthcare: 5 Important Considerations

    In the healthcare space, the design choices you make can quite literally have life-or-death stakes. Getting it right is important.

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  • Humans work with tools on a brain with AI written on it

    Using AI in Enterprise

    AI is everywhere these days. There’s no escaping it whether it’s a board room conversation, a conference, or a meme on social media…The question amongst many people, particularly those in larger enterprise organizations with less scrappy flexibility and more risk, is how do we use AI in a way…

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  • Lightbulb with a gear inside and arrows around the gear to show movement

    How to Innovate for Long-Term Vision

    Even if you manage to set up a brainstorming session to get some fresh ideas out, what often happens is that a few wild ideas will be thrown out, then immediately nixed due to (very real) feasibility or viability concerns. How does anyone get past these blockers to arrive at exciting — yet grounded —…

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  • What My Cancer Treatment Taught Me About Healthcare Design

    Three years ago, I was diagnosed with an aggressive bladder cancer. This type of cancer is very unusual in otherwise healthy 42-year old people, but I caught it early enough that I was able to complete a full course of treatment, and my doctor has put me in the class of patients with the highest…

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  • Best Practices for Qualitative UX Research

    The better the research, the better your plan. Combining the hard-and-fast numbers-driven data points of quantitative research with the broader “why” and “how” questions of qualitative research sets you up to make well-informed decisions that truly speak to the problem at hand.  That said, to some, qualitative research can feel squishy and daunting. Protocols as…

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  • When Technology Meets Healthcare: Practical Considerations From the Field

    While every environment is unique in its own way, healthcare might take the cake when it comes to a need for specialized design considerations.  There’s a trifecta of challenges: legal requirements to contend with, complex funding pathways, and the fact that what’s at stake might be life or death. How do you build technology poised…

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  • Operational Efficiencies Through Service Design

    Reworking a process that’s been around for a while can feel like opening Pandora’s box.  Especially at large organizations, the prospect of reworking something that involves so many people is intimidating. And it’s not just the price tag — the prospect of making a significant change at an established organization usually requires near-herculean efforts of…

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  • Overcoming Barriers to Digital Transformation

    It’s 2023. Most of the low-hanging digital transformation fruit has been picked. We’ve got online shopping, digital media, and online scheduling systems…while we’d hesitate to call any digital transformation “easy,” the more straightforward projects have already been crossed off the list. What we’re left with now are the harder-to-budge changes. We’ve got industries like finance,…

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  • Design Debt: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How To Manage It

    We’ve all been there…looking at a product that isn’t quite perfect, trying to decide whether it’s time to release & iterate, or, timelines and budget permitting, holding off until a few more kinks are ironed out. It can be a tough feeling releasing a v1 that comes up well shy of the long-term product vision…

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  • Smart Speaking Across Languages

    Are there any issues with translating my voice skill into another language? Creating voice integrations for large companies with diverse user groups who speak different languages usually means having a conversation about translation. It’s so tempting to take a design created in one language and directly translate it into another language for deployment. Often, well-intentioned…

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  • 5 Tips for Maximizing Your Design Overhaul

    Tackling a big refresh on a product that’s been around for ages is a huge undertaking. In addition to the redesign work, there’s usually a drawn-out diplomacy effort in getting buy-in, organizing the project, and socializing the change. And while most redesigns have popular support or they wouldn’t get the go-ahead, it doesn’t mean that…

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  • Effectively Managing Stakeholders Through Uncertain Times.

    Facing ambiguity and building clarity with clients One of the things at Grand Studio we love the most is a good problem to solve. The most exciting problems for us are the elusive, ambiguous, and complex problems packed with the most uncertainty. Indeed, the more challenging the problem, the more rewarding it becomes to solve.…

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  • What Big Financial Institutions Can Learn From Fintech

    Fintech is on the rise, expected to reach $700 billion in market size by 2030. Customers increasingly want to do things digitally, and they expect increasingly sophisticated tools to support them. The pandemic era catalyzed this shift, incentivizing more of the population to try things online that they might have done in person. The result…

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  • How to Score a Rewarding Digital Experience for Sports Fans

    Which group of users can provide us with more excitement, passion, and raw emotion other than the wide world of sports? Very few areas of leisure and entertainment feature people pacing around in their living rooms, yelling at a television. Sports fans are simply a different breed altogether. They are deeply connected to the game,…

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  • Using Voice Interfaces in Emotionally-Fraught Industries

    We’ve had the pleasure (and pain) of working in several high-stakes industries like healthcare and finance, and one truth rings out across any high-stakes scenario: people get super emotional. Unsurprisingly, they particularly get emotional when it comes to their life or livelihood. However, it’s interesting to note that, from a product design perspective, we don’t…

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  • Establishing a Successful Design Practice

    Design-led businesses like Apple have been inspirational throughout the business and design worlds as an effective way to enhance customer relationships by understanding their needs and advancing business goals. However, the road to truly-integrated design practices and operations within an organization can be messy and put at risk by “let’s just do it how we’ve…

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  • De-Risking Software Investment with Usability Testing

    By now, most of us have interacted with a doctor or nurse via video. COVID’s increased demands on medical professionals, combined with the need to prevent community transmission wherever possible, have accelerated an already-developing practice in the delivery of medical care: remote patient monitoring, or RPM. Clinicians are presented with many technical service options designed…

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  • The Power of Building Emotional Intelligence into Banking Experiences

    Money is one of the most powerful drivers of decision-making in society. There are people who devote most of their lives to acquiring, growing, and keeping money. Money, by nature, is emotional to people at multiple stages in their lives. So when Grand Studio is looking to build products and services around something that touches…

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