Product Design and Strategy

Maybe you have a great idea but you don’t know the best way to bring it to reality, and to market. Maybe you have a product or service but you need help reimagining it to be the right thing for the right users. Maybe you have a plan for your new product or service but need a team to help you execute it. Wherever you are in the product development process, our product design consultants can help you strategize the best approach for your business and your users.

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Design Products that Solve Real Problems

As a product design consulting firm, we work with clients to reimagine how their company interacts with customers in this digital era. Our goal is to create consistent, engaging, and confident experiences for our clients across touchpoints.

We believe user-centered design will set new standards for global innovation, leading to long-term success.

Here are some of the challenges we overcome, using innovative product design to improve efficiency and promote lasting change:

Globalizing the Sports App Experience

We designed an app for the world’s largest basketball league to answer a key question, how can we improve the game-watching experience of a US-based sport for non-US fans?

Building with Blockchain

We designed blockchain-based data exchange platform for one of the world’s largest financial institutions.

Fast-Food Findings

We designed tools used to improve franchisee performance for the world’s largest fast-food chain.

Rethinking Surgery Scheduling

We designed tools to support the scheduling of elective surgeries for one of the largest healthcare systems in the United States.

Our Approach to Product Design and Strategy

Every important, influential, and impactful design begins with a single idea. That one spark of imagination that makes us ask “what if?”. We utilize a tried and true approach to product design and strategy that enables us to take that spark and help it to realize its full potential.

01 Ideation Research

This is where the process begins. By taking that initial spark of a product idea we can conceptualize it into the solution to the problem that your target demographic has. This is where we ask those important deep benefit questions such as:

  • Is there a place for this product in this market niche?
  • What problems is the consumer-facing that this product could solve?
  • Is there another product out there that already solves this problem? If so, how can we make your product better?

We perform our market research to determine what holes need to be filled, and then we narrow down our ideas until we find the one that perfectly fits the puzzle.

02 Design Conceptualization

This is the phase where we sketch, brainstorm, and imagine everything that the product could be. If there is another product similar to yours on the market, what can we do to make yours better? How do we stand out and stand apart from the competition? What do people wish was in that product that isn’t that we can implement in ours?

Finally, we find the one idea that is perfect for your target market, and we move on to the next stage in which we create the prototype.

03 Design Framework

Now that we have narrowed down our idea to the one that will best serve the customer, we are able to create the prototype that we will be able to use for further focused-based research. Here we get the truest sense of how the product will be made, and how it will be of benefit to your consumers.

Our focus areas

At Grand Studio, we use design thinking to guide our partnerships through technical and complex challenges and innovative solutions.

Reach Your Goal with Our Design Strategy

It is absolutely fundamental that we understand our clients’ goals. Do we want to increase top-line revenue for an existing product? Launch a new product with new service or revenue opportunities? Do we want to cut existing servicing costs? Maybe all of the above?

We see our job as helping our clients create clear paths to success through the application of design thinking. Our teams of experienced designers and researchers engage in an iterative process of discovery, design and evaluation with our clients that produces clear, actionable product strategy and de-risks the costs of investment in new products and services.

01 Understand the Opportunities and Solve the Problem

In every niche, market, or customer base there is a set of problems that are unique to them. By performing qualitative market research within these targeted markets, we can determine what these needs are, what problems they cause, and the best course of action to take to address those needs.

By taking the time to understand the opportunities that are inherent in your target market, you become uniquely qualified to help solve that problem with a specific product or service. Keeping your target audience in mind is imperative during the product design and strategy phase as no two markets are the same. What works for one won’t necessarily work for another, and the marketing strategies for each will be completely different.

Our team will conduct this research for you and will analyze the results to locate these opportunities and problem areas. Then they will present you with research-backed solutions and ideas for your product.

02 Mitigate the Risks in the Development Process

The development process is often seen as the most daunting aspect of creating a new product. Multiple ideas, designs, and prototypes only serve to muddle the product design process. This is another way that we can help.

Our brilliant product design and strategy team will be able to utilize the user research that they have collected to ensure that the idea and design for your product stays on the right path.

By eliminating needless distractions and keeping the development team from being overwhelmed by ideas during the creation process, we can mitigate the risks of wasted time and money.

03 Deliver Competitive Products to the Market

Finally, by utilizing our qualitative market research, we have taken the time to study and understand your competitors. We know what they offer and what they lack. We understand what people like, dislike, and wish that they could change about their products.

With this powerful knowledge in our hands, we are able to ensure that your product is not only competitive when it enters the market, but that it is exceeding and surpassing the expectations that your target audience has for it based on their views of your competitors.

Who We Serve

We are industry-agnostic and work with all types of businesses to help them define and solve the right problems for the right audience.

  • Financial Services
  • Healthcare
  • Sports & Entertainment
  • Insurance
  • Manufacturing
  • Utilities

What Clients Think of Our Services

We are an exceptional team that turns difficult problems into successful products and services. Our clients come back to us again and again because they know we’ll solve any challenge with creativity, innovation, honesty – all of which are delivered in a professional manner!

Check Out Our Clutch Reviews

Business Value of Design Strategy

Having a design strategy as you move forward with your product launch is essential. We utilize our qualitative market research to determine what exactly it is that your customer base is looking for in a new product. We dive deep to discover the deep benefits that your customers are looking for such as:

  • What needs are not being met?
  • What market is just waiting for a product like this?
  • Is there an existing problem that needs to be solved in this niche?
  • How can your idea be transformed into a product that is desirable to consumers, viable as a business proposition, and feasible as a technology offering?
About Us
100% Client satisfaction in post-project surveys
15+ Fortune 500 clients
20 Years of leading design and innovation projects
HQ Chicago – with design staff spanning 8 different markets

Let’s Talk

Looking to get that project rolling or learn more about Grand Studio and how we build clarity out of complexity? Communication is key to us, so let’s start here.

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